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Kinder Vaši zajednički trenuci

Kinder, the most famous chocolate brand for children, which has been enjoyed by young and old for more than 50 years, in December surprised its fans with the possibility of personalizing the famous packaging, so instead of smiling children’s faces on the front of Kinder Chocolate, from now on you can find the face of your child or some other loved one. While preparing the promotion, we designed the entire creative concept for the Kinder, created software for Kinder personalized covers, designed the landing page for promotional activations in terms of content and graphics, and designed POS materials. Additional support for the visibility of the campaign was provided through the PR activities of preparation and distribution of the press release. More information about the promo and how to sign up on Kinder website.


In addition to this campaign, for the ongoing promotion of the Kinder Xmas assortment, we have also created the entire creative concept, as well as communication with users.

