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Eucerin ‘Ne čekaj, CHECKiraj’ project

Healthy skin is the fundamental idea that guided us in creating this socially responsible project, aimed at raising public awareness and providing continuous education on the importance of protecting the skin from UV radiation exposure. This project (“Ne čekaj, CHECKiraj”) is the result of the collective efforts of the Eucerin brand, WMG Croatia, Story magazine, and our agency – Omega Communications, through which we invited citizens to free mole screenings and launched it in 2023.


We are extremely proud of the success of last year’s campaign, as several women came forward for screenings, and thanks to this initiative, melanoma was detected in time for them. This year, just like last year, in collaboration with Polyclinics across Croatia, this commendable initiative continues.


For free mole screenings this year, you can sign up here, and the polyclinics involved in the project include Polyclinic Bagatin, Polyclinic Sinteza, Polyclinic Dr. Jakić, Lohuis Filipović Medical Group, Polyclinic Dermangio, Manola Polyclinic, and Petković Polyclinic. #necekajcheckiraj
